Dahlia’s Journey
10 June, 2020
Hi, I am a little flower, my name is Dahlia. I came here from a Riga suburb.
This is my arrival I saw this church and felt something in my flower heart. I walked up closer! Step by step! Closer to the Church. I looked inside. But I was afraid to come in because I wasn’t sure if this church was for me. Then I saw something green on the church wall. I am a plant and I like green. Now I’ve read that this church is an Inclusive church. So flowers could come in, too. I came in. I walked around and headed for the altar. Behind the altar I saw the cross. I know that the trees from which cross was made are the most important plants in the world. The Cross is the place where death transforms into life, because Jesus died for the people, so that people could live. I realised that I wanted to stay in this church. I met Grace the church cat. I wanted to be nearer the church. And I decided to take root next to the church. I welcome you all to come to us, to meet me and to be rooted in my church for God’s sake.
Dahlia&Ilja Maria.
Tags: Christ, gift, love, story