Weekly Update: May 29th, 2021
Sunday Worship: Trinity Sunday

This Sunday, our chaplain Elīza Zikmane will be preaching. She has provided this preview of her sermon:
To have faith in Trinity means that you are not standing on your own in search of your identity; neither are we just left one-to-one when trying to work out our relationships. Instead, we are grounded in, surrounded by and drawn into the divine community of love.
Chaplain Elīza Zikmane
Our organist Jana Zariņa will be playing together with singer Anna Amanda Stolere, whose music you can hear more of at her YouTube channel here.
29th of May: Night of Churches
Today, St. Saviour’s is joining 84 others congregations taking part in the yearly Latvian language “Night of Churches” event. The church is open for individual viewing from 12.00 to 22.00, and at 18.00 there will be a lecture entitled “Anglicans: Who we are are” which tells the story of our church. At 19.00, students of the University of Latvia Faculty of Philosophy will discuss Plato and his influence on the Christian language, reading some of his works. Music will be performed at 20.30, and at 21.00 we will join in with Christians all across the country and say the Lord’s prayer all at once. A short sacrament will be performed afterwards.
Soup Kitchen

As with every Saturday, our team of volunteers worked hard to serve and feed some of Riga’s most needy inhabitants. If you have the time and or treasure to help us with this important ministry, please contact our coordinator Pāvels for more information!
Garden Update

We are getting close to the end of spring, and although the weather might not quite feel like it, our garden is coming along great! Huge thanks to Armands for the nice rowan plant he has gifted to us — it will be a nice and colourful accent in our garden.

Thanks also to Inta Putniņa, who worked many years in deaconry, was leader of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church center of deaconry, and has now joined our church. She works now in gardening. Together, we planted our rowan tree, trimmed the lower branches of our lime trees, and did some other works in our garden.

Due to the upcoming reconstruction of our church ceiling, we can’t do much more right now. More major work in our garden will take place next year. We are thinking about how we would like to see our garden in the future, and already have some ideas. For now, we will need to wait until next spring.