Weekly Update: 13th of June, 2021
Sunday Worship: The Second Sunday After Trinity

This week’s Gospel story is the parable of the mustard seed. Chaplain Elīza’s sermon will look at trust and hope in the midst of trauma: 1941 and 2021. God’s power can be seen in the shocking reversals and upheavals that upend our expectations and assumptions. The surprising and shocking generative work of the natural world exceeds the resources of human agency and comprehension and points towards the Kingdom of God that is like a seed which grounds our hope that eventually things can change. Even now we glimpse germinating seeds yielding mysterious grace and justice in acts of human kindness and we are made aware of its purpose to provide sanctuary where life can flourish.
Garden Party: 20th of June

To celebrate the summer and the going away of a few different church members either just for the summer or more permanently, we will be having an informal potluck lunch in our beautiful garden after church next week! If you would like to bring something, please let Joe, Pavels, or Elīza know. Everyone is welcome!
Garden Update
Speaking of the garden, things are still coming along nicely! Our warden Inese would like to say thanks to a few people: first of all to Anna, who gave our flowerbox some nice basil plants. The next thanks is to Tabita, who gave an eryngium plant; it is now in its place and growing. As always, Lauma has been caring for our garden with different flower seeds, and putting hard work into making it beautiful. Thank you also to Jacob for so many bulbs of tips and daffodils.

Did you know that now in our church garden under the linden are many, perhaps 80 or more, mushrooms? Every summer they appear in this place. It is interesting to watch how they come out of the ground.

We hope you get the chance to see the garden in person!
Bible Study and Youth Group

Right now, we are planning to restart our bible study group for the summer, which might take place in person, online, or using a mixture of both. If you are interested, please contact Elīza for more information so that we can have an idea of how many people would be interested! We are also in the early stages of planning a young person’s discussion group which could begin meeting sometime over the summer. If you are interested in joining this, please let us know!
Update: Back Entrance Construction

Repair work on our back entrance has been going nicely, and if all goes as planned should be ready for official re-opening in the next week or two. Thanks so much to the people who made this possible through their generous donations, and to the construction team who has been working hard at making St. Saviour’s a safer and more accessible place!
Saturday Soup Kitchen

As with every week, this Saturday Pāvels lead our team of amazing volunteers and fed dozens of Riga’s most vulnerable inhabitants. If you are interested in helping out with this very important endeavor, please let Pāvels know!