Weekly Update: 31st of July, 2021
Sunday Worship: The Ninth Sunday After Trinity

Bread or cake? People often associate the church with “cakes”, namely, with special events. They come to church when something interesting is happening — when, figuratively speaking, they are promised something unusual and exquisite to stroke their taste buds. For them the church is meant to be entertainment and excitement, adding an extra flavour to their life. But Jesus says that he is the bread of life. He is the ultimate ongoing gift of God, which gives sustenance to our life. He is, and should be, our “staple diet” — an essential and integral part of our everyday lives. Grace and Love is not a bread to eat once in passing. We need to receive, savour and share it daily.
You can hear the rest of Elīza’s sermon this Sunday at 11 AM either in person or online!
Music at St. Saviour’s

Tonight at 8 PM our music director and organist Jana Zarina will be joined by soprano vocalist Karolina Mocke and violinist Marianna Puriņa in a performance called “Old and Modern”. If you are in the city, make sure to come out and listen to the wonderful music!
Pilgrim Bible Course

Each Thursday at 7 PM, Erica has been leading our summer bible study series. We are reading the Anglican’s “Pilgrim Course: Church & Kingdom” book and exploring together what it means to live as a part of the kingdom of God and to follow in the way of Christ in our daily lives. Join us as we discuss various topics including daily prayer, work & sabbath, relationships, generosity, injustice, and caring for the earth! Last week at Bible study, we celebrated the birthday of our Margareta!
Filming at St. Saviour’s

Currently, a historical drama called “Sisi” about the final Austro-Hungarian Empress Elisabeth is being filmed in Riga’s old town. Filming took place outside of St. Saviour’s as well last week!