Raise the roof of St. Saviour’s Church!

We are verry happy that we could finish second part of the repairs of the selling just before Christmas 2023. We still have to do 1/3 part of the ceilling but we can hopefully go in in 2025 if we have enough fundraising and can apply for additional funds of the Goverment dan de Municipality.For more than 150 years St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Riga has been a gathering place: For worshippers. For Riga’s most needy citizens who come for a hot meal on Saturdays. For musicians, dancers and actors who use the space for concerts, plays and performances. For couples marrying, for parents baptizing their children, for families gather to honor and mourn loved ones who have passed away. To keep doors open of St. Saviours to worshipers, to musicians, to dancers, the next part of restauration is needed because the temprary selling is at it’s end of live.Please help us! Every euro or dollar counts!
If you would like to help support our building restoration projects, here is our bank account info: St Saviour’s Congregation Anglikāņu baznīcas Svētā Pestītāja draudze Rīgā Account no: LV17HABA000140J030656 Swedbank Swift Code: HABALV22 Reg. no: 90001051893 You can also donate via PayPay. Simply go to our support page.