

We are

A chaplaincy of the Church of England. An international community. A welcoming family.

We serve

We serve the local community by organising a soup kitchen. We also provide a neutral and safe space for debates on culturally sensitive themes.

We worship

We worship in the traditional Church of England style, in English, with occasional services in Latvian and/or Russian.

We meet for worship at 11 AM every Sunday.
The service is also streamed on our Facebook page


In Jesus, we see that humility is not a lack of confidence — quite the contrary, it is rooted in a strong sense of one’s identity, value and mission. Actually, the word ‘humility’, originates from the Latin ‘humilis’, which literally means “on the ground”. Humility, ‘groundedness’, is closely linked with openness and freedom to engage with other people in non-patronising way. 

Chaplain Elīza Zikmane.


Our Soup Kitchen is generously supported by the International Women’s Club of Riga

Join us on Sundays at 11 AM for Worship Services!
Anglikāņu iela 2
Rīga, LV-1050