Weekly Update: 3rd of October, 2021
In memoriam: Rūta Whitaker

As many of you have already heard, we are heartbroken to announce that our former church warden and longtime member of St. Saviour’s Ruta Whitaker passed away last Sunday at the age of 81. Ruta worked actively as our church warden for eight years, as well as the leader of the Senior’s Club, an active volunteer at our Soup Kitchen, and an overall very dedicated member of the church community. Please make sure to keep her husband Harry and the rest of her family in your prayers during this very sad time. To learn more about Ruta’s amazing life and find out how to take part in her online funeral, you can read her full obituary here.
Sunday Worship: The 18th Sunday of Trinity

This week we celebrated the sacrament of baptism along with the theme of “harvest and thanksgiving”. Our music director Jana was joined by violinist Emīls Helde, and at the end of the service Rosa led us all in a dance. You can watch a recording of the service on our Facebook page!