Weekly Update: 13 November, 2021
In-person services from 21 November

After three difficult weeks of isolation, we are blessed to once again have the opportunity starting next Sunday, 21 November to begin meeting in person for Sunday Worship. As was the case before the lockdown began, due to the reduced size of the sanctuary during the renovation as well as government regulations, we will unfortunately only be able to admit entry to those with valid COVID-19 vaccination or recovery certificates. Those of you who will not be able to join us in person will be kindly invited to join our services online using Facebook Live.
Remembrance Sunday

We hope you are all able to join us this Sunday, 14 November for our special Remembrance Sunday service using Zoom. You can use the following link to access our service starting a few minutes before 11 AM: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89984781477?pwd=VWh2Qk82cExaVTZjdTJHQmhhOVhlZz09 Meeting ID: 899 8478 1477 Passcode: 932349