News Update: 9 April, 2022
Holy Week at St. Saviour’s

We once again find ourselves in the most bittersweet week of the church calendar — when Jesus humbly and triumphantly rides into Jerusalem, is betrayed by one of his best friends, dies a painful, public death, yet comes back just three days later to fulfil the promise of ultimate love and forgiveness for all of us. It is truly a seven-day emotional and spiritual roller coaster, and it is time to ride it together as a community.
Palm Sunday

Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Palm Sunday as usual at 11 AM, where “many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields” (Luke 11:8). Although palms are a common leafy branch in the Holy Land, here in Latvia they are a bit of a rarity; that’s why it’s known as “pūpolu svētdiena” here in Latvia, as branches of the far more commonly found pussy willow tree are used instead. We hope to have both available tomorrow at the service so you can celebrate in the way you’re most comfortable with! For those of you who aren’t able to come in person, you can join us virtually in the live stream via our Facebook page.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

On Thursday, you are invited to our special Maundy Thursday communion service at 6 PM, where we will be commemorating Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet as well as his last supper with them. This service will take place in English, although the following day we will observing the far more somber Good Friday at 6 PM together with our Latvian Baptist friends. That service will take place in a mix of Latvian and English.
Soup Kitchen

Although the Latvians might call it “Klusā sestdiena” (Quiet Saturday), we will be quite busy with with our weekly Soup Kitchen where we will be following in Christ’s example and feeding those who are most vulnerable. If you are able to donate either your time or resources to this very important ministry, you can write to our coordinator Pāvels. Every little bit is a huge help!
Easter Sunday

Finally, we will rejoice together for Easter Sunday at 11 PM and celebrate the Good News of Christ’s resurrection. Following this joyous service, you are all invited to lunch either downstairs in the basement or outside in the garden depending on the weather. If you are able to bring some potluck-style dish to share, please let Joe know or write it in the Facebook event! An Easter egg will also take place for our younger members so that this will be a fun and memorable occasion for all ages!
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