On the Coronation of Charles III
St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia, remembers with joy the visit of the Prince of Wales in 2001, and now rejoices with King Charles III as he becomes the head of our Church. Our…
St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia, remembers with joy the visit of the Prince of Wales in 2001, and now rejoices with King Charles III as he becomes the head of our Church. Our…
Christmastide at St. Saviour's First, thank you to everyone who participated in last week's Christmas worship services and potluck lunch. This was a particularly special occasion because our wonderful music director Larisa was able to…
Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee This weekend we will be celebrating not only the feast of Pentecost, but also Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee, signifying 70 years as reigning monarch. After a worship service which…
Holy Week at St. Saviour's We once again find ourselves in the most bittersweet week of the church calendar — when Jesus humbly and triumphantly rides into Jerusalem, is betrayed by one of his best…
2022 Annual General Meeting As a reminder, tomorrow after Sunday Worship service, our Annual General Meeting will take place in the sanctuary. This is an excellent chance to take part in the life of the…
Annual General Meeting: Next Week Clocks are moving forward, the sun is shining, and here at St. Saviour's, it's once again time for our annual general meeting. This will take place next Sunday directly following Sunday Worship,…
Sunday Worship: The Fourth Sunday before Lent I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial…
Sunday Worship: The First Sunday After The Epiphany The Holy Spirit comes upon us so that we may become ourselves. We receive affirmation from God, who calls us by name and inspires and empowers us…
A return to worship in person We are blessed to be able to return to having Sunday Worship in the church this weekend, and looking forward to seeing each other in person and celebrating God’s presence. As with…